Monday, March 19, 2012

Watkins and Community Garden Seed Exchange

Come join Watkins Plain View Employee garden and the Wapahasa Community garden for our 1st seed exchange:
Thursday March 29, 2012 at 5:00pm in the
 white Watkins Garage, adjacent to the park and garden
Between 4th and 5th St. and Liberty St., Winona MN.
Rain or Shine

Rules of the exchange:
*All seeds should be labeled clearly with variety and "packed for" date - as well as germination rate, organic/ heirloom/ hybrid, etc.
*Home-collected seed should be labeled with variety name and date collected, plus as much description as possible.
*Seed older than 5 years should not be brought to the exchange. (2007)
*Participants should bring envelopes/containers and writing instruments to take seeds they want home with them.
*Participants should take back any seed they brought which was not taken by others.

If you have extra seeds and just wish to donate or if you have no seeds at all, you may still attend.

Questions? Contact Danny Crawford at or call at 507-457-5741

Friday, March 16, 2012

MARCH, 2012

Redwings were all over the garden yesterday. 
I was happy to see this sign of spring until 
I realized that they were probably eating the oat seeds everyone put down last fall.


    Saturday, April 14, 8:30-10:30 a.m.--Plant sale, in the garden. Cool weather starter plants will be for sale. If you have extras to donate, bring them for the sale. All proceeds go to raise funds for the garden. 
    Saturday, April 14--10:30-12--Opening Day work party (more party than work this year). Come and help prep the garden, meet your garden neighbors. If the weather is lovely, bring a picnic.  
    Saturday May 12, 8:30-10:30 a.m.--Plant sale in the garden. Warm weather starter plants will be for sale. If you have extras to donate, bring them for the sale. 
    Thursday, March 29, 5-6 p.m.--Seed exchange, at Watkins Details to follow.


    Maintaining a community garden requires more than each gardener tending his/her own plot. To be successful, everyone's effort is necessary.  For this reason each gardener needs to contribute 10 hours to the community garden.
    Begin thinking about what you can contribute this season. What are your passions or talents? Some people love to weed; others hate it. Some people are handy with tools, others good at organizing a fundraiser. All kinds of jobs need to be done to make our garden function, even ones we haven't thought of yet. 
    In last Fall's survey, 20 out of 27 responses felt that those who do not fulfill their work hours and don't clean up their plot should not be invited to return the following year. The board voted to adopt this as our policy beginning this year.
    However, doing your work hours should be as hassle-free as possible. Here is the system: 
                      A list of jobs to be done will be posted on the shed and on the blog. There will also be a list of all the gardeners posted on the shed. Check to see what needs to be done, then log your hours as you go along.

    Make and hang another bulletin board for the east window in the shed. Contact Jan for details and materials.
    Set up our watering system for the year. This involves digging a small trench and setting up the faucets. (2-person job, probably). Contact Jan for details and hoses. 
    Workers are needed for the plant sales on April 14 and May 12. We need people to set up, take down, handle sales, make posters and price plants. Contact Lea or Jan.

    There will be an orientation for all gardeners new to the garden. I will send out a separate email to set a date.

    Our garden blog address is  
    All State of the Garden messages are posted there, plus occasional tips and links that I think people might be interested in. 
    Any of you may comment on postings or post your own garden-related items, pictures or links. If you are interested, I can set you up as an "author" . 

    The Fundraising Committee is planning a "Backyard Farmer" tour later this summer. On this tour you will be able to learn how to build, raise or make: bees, chickens, rain barrels, garden stones, pizza ovens. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a dinner raffle. This sounds like fun. More details as they become available. 
See you in the Garden!