Monday, May 21, 2012

State of the Garden
May 21, 2012

Plant Sale-
    We made $240 on the second sale. Thanks to everyone for your participation-helping with sales, donating plants, buying plants. 

    When you use the water,  turn the YELLOW HANDLE ONLY at the hydrant. Someone has been turning off the silver metal  valve, which creates a problem getting it back on. 

    28 bales of straw are on order and will be delivered soon.  A half bale is usually enough to cover a full plot, a quarter bale enough for a half plot.  Last year the cost was $3/bale. I'll let everyone know the exact price when it is delivered. 
    Sue  will be delivering the straw, probably next Saturday. She could really use some help unloading and stacking the bales. Let me know if you can help. When Sue knows exactly when she will be delivering them, I'll let people know. 

    I keep hoping that the tiller was borrowed and that it will magically show up again. If you have borrowed it, please let me know, or just return it to the shed in the dark of the night-no questions asked.
    Alternatlively-Does anyone have a tiller they would be willing to loan to the garden for a day? The Garden would pay for the gas and return it to you with a full tank (such a deal) We could schedule a specific day to complete the tilling. I don't know how many people still want to till their plots, so let me know if there is a need for this. 

    The grass path to the shed really needs mowing.  At this point,  it may be easier to  scythe or weed whack it. 
    Notice the new blackboard on the east window of the shed. When you have a few extra minutes in the garden, check there to see what you might be able to do. Then scratch it off and log your time. 

Chips and compost-
    Due to the high possibility of our moving to a new site next season, we do not plan to get more wood chips or compost for the garden. You are welcome to add compost to you own plot if you want (leaves, mulch, store bought). 

    Wayne is taking a break from his vole trapping project. He says the numbers are diminishing. Updates from observers are welcome. Thanks, Wayne, for working so diligently on this.

Reminder -
    Because of the incredibly warm spring we have had, weeds are already beginning to go to seed. If you haven't had time to plant your garden, try to at least remove seed heads. Remember that all plots need to be planted by June 15. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

THIS SATURDAY, MAY 12, 9-12 a.m.

tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, cauliflower,
siberian iris, kale, kohlrabi
and much more


If you have extra plant starts
consider donating them for the sale.
Just bring them on Saturday morning.