Saturday, February 2, 2013

Registration 2013

Only 45 more days until gardening season!

Those of you who had a plot in 2012 have received an email with the 2013 registration form and a copy of the rules. 

Print out and return the registration form, along with your fees. My address is on the form. Save a copy of the guidelines for your own reference. There are no changes in the rules this year, but it doesn't hurt to review them occasionally.

If you want the same plot, registration deadline is February 15. 

As you know, Winona Health will not guarantee us a full season, but our best guess is that it will be fall or later before they are ready to begin work. To hedge your bets, focus on short season crops and don't plant any brussel sprouts or perennials.

We hope to have a seed exchange in February. More details later.
