- Registration forms for 2012 are ready. If you are a current gardener, you will receive an email copy. Please print it out and return it , along with your fees, to Sue Burnett. Her address is on the form.
- You will also receive a copy of the rules and guidelines for 2012. There are a few changes for next year, so please read it over carefully and save it for your own use.
- If you want to keep your same plot for 2012, the deadline for registration is January 31. If for some reason you can't register by then, but want to keep the same plot, please contact Jan.
- There is a long waiting list for next year. If you are not returning, contact me ASAP.
Major Changes
As most of you know, there were a lot of decisions that needed to be made for 2012. Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out the survey. It was very helpful in guiding the board with these decisions. Major points or changes to note for 2012:
- Fee changes: $50 for a large plot, $35 for a small plot, plus the $10 deposit.
- New fee: there will be a $10 fee for flower strips next year. If you have both a plot and a flower strip, there is only one $10 deposit and one 10-hour work requirement.
- Those who responded to the survey voted overwhelmingly to terminate gardeners who did not fulfill their work requirements and did not clean up their plot at the end of the season. So here is the policy that the board adopted at the last meeting:
- Gardeners are required to contribute 10 hours of volunteer work towards the garden and clean up their plot at the end of the season, or their involvement in the garden will be terminated for the following year.
Other decisions for 2012 as a result of the survey
- A list of jobs that need doing will be posted on the outside of the shed. I'd like to put another bulletin board on the other (east) window for this.
- In order to make it easier to log your hours, I will also post the list of gardeners on this same bulletin board. People can note their hours as they do them.
- Many people expressed interest in a buddy system. The Board is working on a way to facilitate this.
- The garden has cleared about $300 with the notecards. Keep encouraging your friends to buy them from these stores: The Book Shelf, Winona Post, Heart's Desire, Minnesota Marine Art Museum, Winona County Historical Society, Yarnology, Bluff Country Coop, Spalon 1161.
- Our new fees will only partially cover the annual budget (estimated $3000). The board is discussing focusing on 2 main fundraisers. Hopefully these will become annual events that people come to expect. First, continue with the notecards, updating them periodically with a new series. Second, hold an annual plant sale at the garden. A couple of us have the space and inclination to grow flats of vegetable plants. Others who have extra starts could donate them to the sale. In the spring we would hold a sale on a Saturday morning along the west edge of the garden
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