Thursday, May 23, 2013


Plant Starts: There are a few plants left  from plant sale. They are in the wooden box by the bin. Help yourself to what you can use. A small donation would be appreciated. The red donation box is in the shed.

Vacant Plots: There are still plots that have not yet been rented for the season. Pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested. If you are interested in an additional plot or a flower strip, let me know by June 1.

A Proposal for Unrented Plots: If there are plots still open on June 1, rather than just cover cropping them, we would thought it would be fun to plant a whole plot in just one crop--something that takes up a lot of room that might not otherwise get planted, like  squash, melons, corn, etc. Here is how it would work:

  • Each plot would have a "lead gardener".  Others who are interested, whether a current gardener or not, could help out on the crew.
  •  Shortly after June 1 we will schedule a "planting day" to get these plots up and running.
  • Those who do the work on the plots can decide what to do with the produce. A few ideas: keep it all for yourself; trade it with other one-crop-plot gardeners; donate it to the Food Shelf or other charitable organizations; at midnight leave it on your neighbor's porch. Or--at the end of this season, we could have a gathering and eat what has been grown.
  • There are some seeds in the shed available to be used, or bring your own.
  • Hours spent working on this plot would count as part of your volunteer hours.
  • Besides being a fun project, this can be an opportunity to experiment with something  that you might not otherwise grow. 

If you would like to adopt a "one crop plot" either as a lead gardener or on the crew, let me know.
Also, give me an idea about what you are interested in growing.

Mulch: Straw is available again this year, but the price has gone up (And so has gas! We pay gas mileage to pick it up.) It will be $6 a bale. One bale is plenty for a large plot, a half bale for a small plot. If you want straw to mulch your plot (highly encouraged),  please let me know, so I know how many to order.

Wood chips: In past years one of you gardeners knew the landscaper who brought us the chips. Who was it?  Contact me.

Hunger garden: Every year we seem to use the Hunger Garden for a different purpose. This year Lea is planting it with veggies that can be eaten right out of the garden. After you have worked in the garden for a while and are tired and hungry, enjoy a little snack from this plot.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Opening Work Day-Second Try

--Let's try again--

Community Garden Work Day
Saturday, May 18, 
10 a.m.-1 p.m.

Bury the water line
Straighten the compost bin sides
Turn and distribute the compost
Tighten fence where needed

Work gloves, shovels, spades, forks

--Bring if you have them--
wire cutters
loppers, choppers for the compost

There is a 30% chance of rain on Saturday, 
but it should be warm and not too windy.
Fingers crossed for good weather luck

We will also have plant starts to sell

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mark Your Calendars

  • Saturday, May 11, 9-12 a.m.
Plant Sale
In the Garden
Tomatoes, leeks, strawberries, and much more
If you have extra starts or divisions, consider donating them to the sale
All proceeds go to support the garden

  • Saturday, May 11, 12-3 p.m.
Opening Work Day
In the Garden
Jobs: lay the water line (again, sigh), turn and distribute the compost, general straightening and prep for the season
Bring: work gloves, shovels, wheelbarrows (if you have one)
This will be a good opportunity to put in some volunteer hours 
and to re-connect with other gardeners and the garden

  • If you are new to our garden, I will be available to give a brief orientation all day on May 11. If you want to get started before that, contact me and we can work out another time. 
  • Lea and I met with the mayor this week to discuss a permanent location for the garden on city-owned land. One site we discussed is at the very west end of Lake Park, just east of the high school. Another possibility would be on land under the bridge after the new bridge construction is done. The discussion is still in the very preliminary stages, but he is supportive. If any of you have occasion to talk with the mayor, city council members, or other city officials, please voice your support for the garden being on either of these sites.
  • Both full and half plots are available this year. If you have friends who like to garden, let them know.