Thursday, June 27, 2013

State of the Garden, late June

  • After a very cool and wet spring, the garden is finally up and growing. Many of the plots are lovely. With the heat the last few days, things are growing fast. Those of you who have mulched your plot will get the benefit of retained heat and moisture to speed things along.
  • A few plots are not planted yet. Our official "plant by" date is June 15.  If you have not yet weeded and planted your plot,  please do so in the next few days. If something in your life has changed and you are not able to tend your garden this summer, let me know immediately.

Maintenance reminders

  • Water Issues (should we ever need to water): When you are done watering, do not coil and hang the hoses. Splay them back and forth along a path. This is quicker (both in setting up and putting away) and is easier on the hoses.
  • Remember to turn off the water both at the hydrant and in the garden when you are done. A lovely picture of the hydrant shut off valve is on the bulletin board inside the shed.
  • Weed Issues: Because we didn't maintain the paths with chips this year, the weeds are getting the upper hand. In some places it's hard to tell where the path is. Try to schedule and extra 15 or 20 minutes into your gardening time to work on the paths. If everyone spends a few minutes at this, it will go a long way to spruce things up. Use your judgment about which weeds to focus on. Clover is an asset. Spurge, not so much. Trees, consider gifting to someone that needs a tree.
  • Thistle: Pay particular attention to this bad ass. It's starting to bloom. Bring gloves. 
  • Straw: The bales are $6 each. You can put your money in the red box in the shed or give it to me when our paths cross. There are about 6 extra bales. If you didn't order any and want one, let me know. I think there will be enough for everyone who is interested. And a big thanks to Carol for taking her truck to Money Creek to pick up the straw.
  • Cardboard: A great solution to kill weeds in unused spaces. Be sure it is weighted down and doesn't blow around in these interminable storms we've been having.

 Vacant plots

  • Thanks to all of you who adopted an extra plot. I hope you will have fun with it. I'm looking forward to seeing how your ideas turn out.
  • And amazingly, there is still some unclaimed space left--a few flower strips and 2 more plots need adopting. If you have the urge to do even more gardening, let me know. If you have a cool idea you'd like to try, let me know. Otherwise we will have a work day soon and plant the vacant space to rye.
  • I am interpreting this dearth of demand for garden space as a one-year phenomenon due to several factors (the weird weather when no one could think about gardening; the iffy-ness about being able to complete a full gardening season here; not knowing where we will be next year, etc.). My optimism still prevails and I plan to begin a "waiting list" page for 2014 soon.

Potato bugs

  • Have you seen any this year? I have an incredible crop of potatoes just going to flower and haven't seen a one. Am I missing something or is it (again) our weird weather?


  • Turtle: A turtle has been hanging out in our garden and last week got stuck in the fence. Mark and Lea freed it and headed it toward the pond by the dental clinic.
  • Voles: I haven't noticed any signs of them this year.  Did Wayne manage to eradicate them?
  • Cooper's hawk: Haven't seen this amazing guy hunting from the roof of our shed this year. Could there be a connection with no voles?

Next Year

  • Redeemer Lutheran Church has approved our request for garden space on their property. We are meeting with the committee next week to look over the draft of their lease and the designated area. I am feeling very optimistic about this. If any of you gardeners have input or opinions, or would like to be involved, let me know. Our garden belongs to all the gardeners and everyone who wants a voice has one.

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