JUNE 10, 2011
Water! Water is now available inside the garden (so, of course it's supposed to rain for the next week). The supply hose is buried from the hydrant to the corner of the garden. Then it runs above ground to the compost bin. Don't try to use this section as your water source. Use the water spigot at the north compost bin.
Here are the guidelines:
- Turn the water off and on both at the hydrant and the spigot.
- There is one lo-o-o-ng hose set up. It should reach to the far corners of the garden. If it doesn't let me know.
- When you are done watering, splay the hose along one of the paths. It is too long to wind around the hangar.
- Use care when dragging the hose to your plot. The corner stakes should protect the plots, but keep an eye out.
- We pay for the water. Use all you need, but don't waste any. Ways to conserve water-mulch heavily, water at the ground level, not up in the air
- Enjoy this while it's available. I expect the backhoes to show up any day to work on the new water line. I'll keep people posted whenever I get more information.
Thanks to Jim, Gary, Stewart, John and Jim for helping to set this up.
It was late last night when we got done and I didn't check everything real closely. If you notice major leaks at the connections or any other problems, let me know.
Housekeeping Reminders-When you leave the garden, be sure the shed is locked, the gates are shut and the water is off. I keep finding these things left undone.
Straw and Compost-There seems to be plenty still available. Help yourself. ($3/bale for the straw, $1/bucket for the compost).
Weeding-Some of the plots are getting a little hedge of weeds around them. Remember, you are responsible for the paths surrounding your plot.
Extra Plants-If you have extra plant to share, leave them in the wooden box by the shed. If you need extra plants, check in there. If you want to do a good deed, water them.
Mystery Mower-Thanks to whoever mowed the grass path a couple of weeks ago-and to Stewart for doing it last night.
Bake Sale-The community garden will have a booth at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, June 25, 7:30-12. You can drop off baked goods that morning at the market, or Friday afternoon at Jennie Rafferty's house, 173 E. 5th. If your contribution has dietary considerations (nuts, gluten-free, etc.) please note it. Workers to man the booth are also needed. Shifts are 7-9, 9-11-11-close.
The Social Side of the Garden-In the past we have had casual gatherings in the garden to watch the sunset, share a snack or trade gardening tales. Are people interested in doing this?