Thursday, June 23, 2011

JUNE 22, 2011
Hunger Garden-Wayne has been managing this plot (between the north gate and the compost bin) and it is quite beautiful. Produce from this plot is donated to the Food Shelf and the Bethany House. Amy is seeing that it gets delivered. If you have extra produce that you can't give away, either of these places would be glad to accept it.

Weeds-Thistle and bindweed are invading the garden and all this rain makes everything grow faster. Don't let the weeding get ahead of you. Remember you are responsible for the paths around your plot.

Water-No date yet on when construction of the new water main begins, but the City Water Department reports that the shut-off time should be hours, not days as I had feared. And here's the best news I've had lately-we should be able to hook up to the new hydrant fairly easily. Yay!

This and That-
  • The nest of starlings in the shed have fledged and Wayne sealed up the hole where they were getting in.
  • The vole population is greatly reduced thanks to Wayne's untiring campaign last winter and this spring. A couple were seen around the black compost bin, but we have them in our sites.
  • Here's a theory on the thistle problem-they were introduced by the birds, especially the finches who love thistle seed, rather than seed in the compost or straw. 
August 14-The Board is planning a garden event for this date. It is still in the formative stage. If you any great ideas about how you would like to celebrate Community Garden Month, let me know.

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